Last four shows (2024)
Theme Song
Archive Shows

All Embracing Heart of the Source
A very beautiful Bornean Sun Bear ‘stuffed animal’ (cuddly toy) arrives from San Francisco, part of the World Wildlife Fund range of ‘toys’ to bring awareness to threatened species. Max names the bear Zoe but they don’t really bond. ‘Zoe’ sits, uncuddled, on a shelf.
Years later, Max goes to Vancouver Island with her partner, to photograph bears in the wild. During a car ride, a ‘bear’ voice starts to talk, telling very funny stories to Max’s partner about eating ice cream. When asked, the bear declares that they are ‘Moonbow!’
Back home, there’s a leak in the flat, and Max and her partner have to move out. In the temporary home, Max sets about letting go of unneeded ‘things’, and puts ‘Zoe’ up for sale (!) … until Max’s partner pleads with Max to keep the bear with the ‘kind eyes’.
Moonbow continues to tell stories, and Max’s partner insists that Max introduce this wonderful character to the world. Featuring voice only, a YouTube show is born (2019)! When feedback suggests people want to see Moonbow, Zoe undergoes a transformation …
More Joy
The Moonbow show develops, broadcasting on YouTube every Full and New Moon. Moonbow is delighted! It turns out that Moonbow is a Climate Refugee whose mother was killed by loggers in Borneo, and that Moonbow is non-binary. Max composes a theme song and her partner makes a backdrop.
Through two years, Moonbow’s show continues in this form. Then, after 52 episodes following the moon cycle, Moonbow starts following the sun cycle (eight installments per year). Now broadcasting on the sun’s High Holidays only (Solstices & Equinoxes), Moonbow is taking more time ‘for cuddles and activism”.
Moonbow loves all creatures! They have attended several Buddhist retreats and recently were the first other-than-human being to receive the Five Mindfulness Trainings in the Plum Village tradition. Moonbow had a special ceremony and was given the Dharma name All Embracing Heart of the Source.
Moonbow continues to enjoy every moment: their toes, the sun, the bees, the rain, the trees, and sharing snuggles with everyone! Moonbow is indeed ‘All Embracing’ and transmits deep joy, laughter, wisdom, truth and healing. Moonbow shared their last show on the Winter Solstice 2024, but lives on in many beings!

About Moonbow
Moonbow the Sun Bear
Says ‘hello’ to everyone
To the clouds and the trees and to YOU and the bees
To the stars and the moon and the sun
Oh, happy hearted Moonbow
Such joy from start to end
With fur and toes and ears and nose
Moonbow is your friend!
Moonbow is your friend!
Moonbow is your friend!
painting by Martha Wright